A Joint Meeting between ETA and FEI To Solve all Tax Issues Facing the FEI Completely and Effectively

ETA and FEI in a Joint Meeting Together

In the implementation of the directives of the Minister of Finance to build bridges of communication with all tax community institutions, the Egyptian Tax Authority (ETA) was keen to communicate continuously with the Federation of Egyptian Industries (FEI).

An Overview of the Meeting that Brought ETA and FEI Together

During that joint meeting, which brought together ETA and FEI, many topics were followed up, and many problems facing the FEI’s members were addressed, including change rates, currency price differences, and mechanisms for managing them.


Who attended that Meeting?

The joint meeting between ETA and FEI was attended by many important figures from ETA and FEI, including:

  • Sayed Saqr, Deputy Head of the Egyptian Tax Authority.
  • Saeed Fouad, Advisor to the Head of the Egyptian Tax Authority.
  • Ragab Mahrous, Advisor to the Head of the Egyptian Tax Authority.
  • Ashraf El Zayat, Head of the Large Tax-payer Center at the Egyptian Tax Authority.
  • Atef Hamdy, Head of ETA’s Joint Stock Companies Tax Office.
  • Moawad Khalil, Head of the Central Administration for the Affairs of the Office of the Head of the Egyptian Tax Authority.
  • Maha Ali, Head of the Media Unit at the Office of the Head of the Egyptian Tax Authority.
  • A number of FEI’s members.
  • A number of representatives of chambers and companies, such as the Chamber of Leather Industry, Masr International Paper Company, and Art Link for Printing.

What was the Purpose of That Joint Meeting?

That joint meeting, which brought ETA and FEI together, aimed at solving all the tax issues facing the FEI and overcoming any obstacles FEI’s members faced. It is worth noting that there was a joint committee between the ETA and FEI, by decision of the Minister of Finance, which discusses all issues related to taxes and holds periodic meetings on an ongoing basis.

This is achieved by informing FEI’s members of all tax updates and the digitalization of tax systems that ETA is currently working on, which have significantly contributed to facilitating the procedures for financiers. Among these systems are the electronic declarations system, the e-invoice system, the e-receipt system, and the system for standardizing the principles and standards for calculating wage and salary tax.


ETA’s Head Speech During That meeting

Dr. Rasha Abd El-Aal, Head of the ETA, stated that there is continuous coordination between ETA and FEI through holding tax awareness seminars that address tax updates in legislation and systems, such as the new main tax business system, and other specialized tax issues.

She added that during these seminars, a comprehensive explanation of these topics is provided by ETA specialists, and all inquiries raised during these seminars are answered, pointing out that ETA always seeks to consolidate the values ​​of transparency and tax justice with all tax community parties to emphasize bridges of mutual trust.

Chairman of the Tax and Customs Committee at the FEI’s Speech

Mr. Mohamed El-Bahy, Chairman of the Tax and Customs Committee at the FEI, expressed his happiness with Dr. Mohamed Maait’s decision to assign Dr. Rasha Abd El-Aaal to the position of Head of the ETA, stressing that he has been following her activities since she was assistant to the Head of the Authority and Head of the Central Administration for Strategic Management up to the Deputy of the Authority and was anticipating her success to be the head of the ETA, given her active presence, knowledge of all the details of the projects developed by the authority, and leadership performance, wishing her more success in the coming period.

He added that the FEI appreciates the value of cooperation with the Ministry of Finance and the ETA, and that one of the aspects of cooperation carried out by the ETA and FEI is to spread tax awareness and explain the importance of taxes for the state as the basic pillar of the state’s general treasury budget.

He also expressed his thanks and appreciation to the Minister of Finance, the head of the ETA, and ETA’s leaders for their interest in resolving the tax issues facing the FEI’s members quickly and immediately, stressing that the FEI’s relationship with both the Ministry of Finance and the ETA is an extended relationship and has a long history of fruitful and constructive cooperation in solving all the problems that are presented.


And now we have shown everything you need to know about the joint meeting that brought the ETA & FEI together. For more information about this meeting, click here or here.

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